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Widget Push


  • The plugin requires you to install the Nop-Station Core plugin first.


  • Download the Nop-station Widget Push from our store
  • Go to Administration → Configuration → Local plugins
  • Upload the NopStation.WidgetPush zip file using the "Upload plugin or theme" button


  • Go to Administration, reload the 'list of plugins'. Install 'Nop-Station Core' Plugin first and then install 'Nop-station Widget Push'

    install nopStation core

    install widget-push

  • To make the plugins functional, restart the application

    restart application

  • Enable the plugin with 'Edit' option and Configure it

    edit plugin


  • Go to Admin → Nop Station → Plugins → Widget Push → Configuration
  • You can hide/show your content from this configure page



  • From the settings page you can add a new widget item for your store


  • In the content section add the content that you want to display in the store page
  • In the widget zone give the name of the widget zone in which you want to display the content
  • Display order indicates the serial number
  • You can activate/inactive from the Active option
  • You can give the start date and end date for this content
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