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App Push Notification V2


  • The plugin requires you to install the Nop-Station Core plugin first
  • The plugin requires you to install the Nop-Station Web API plugin
  • Firebase server token needed


  • Download the Nop-Station App Push Notification Plugin from our store
  • Go to Administration → Configuration → Local plugins
  • Upload the NopStation.AppPushNotification zip file using the "Upload plugin or theme" button


  • Go to Administration, reload the 'list of plugins'. Install 'Nop-Station Core' Plugin first, after that 'Nop-Station Web API and then install 'Nop-Station App Push Notification'

    install nopStation core

  • To make the plugins functional, restart the application

    restart application

  • Enable the plugin with 'Edit' option and Configure it


  • Go to Firebase Console and create a new project from here
  • Go to project settings and collect Server Token
  • Go to configure enter Firebase Server Token into Google console api access key field Admin → NopStation → Plugins → App Push Notification → Configuration


  • Go to Admin → NopStation → Plugins → App Push Notification → Configuration
  • Google console api access key: Enter the google console API key
  • Application type: Select mobile application type


  • Go to Admin → NopStation → Plugins → App Push Notification → Campaigns
  • Send start from date: Search by send start from date
  • Send start to date: Search by send start to date
  • Search keyword: Search campaigns by specific keywords
  • New campaigns can also be added from here by clicking on Add new button
  • Allowed notification tokens: This is a list for the notification tokens that you can use in your notification templates
  • Name: The name for this campaign
  • Title: The title for this campaign
  • Body: The template body
  • Image: The template image
  • Action type: It determines which page will open in mobile app on clicking the notification
  • Value: It determines the value of action type
  • Limited to customer roles:< Option to limit this campaign to a certain customer role/li>
  • Limited to device types: Option to limit this campaign to a certain device type
  • Limited to store: Choose a store for which subscribers will get notifications
  • Sending will start on: The date or time on which the campaign will be started


  • Go to Admin → NopStation → Plugins → App Push Notification → Notification templates
  • From here, the notification templates can be seen


  • Go to Admin → NopStation → Plugins → App Push Notification → Notification queue
  • From here, the notification which are in queue can be seen
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