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Facebook Shop


  • The plugin requires you to install the Nop-Station Core plugin first.
  • To use this plugin you need to have a free Facebook account and Facebook Business Account
  • You will also need to have a Facebook page for your e-commerce business.
  • If you don't have a Facebook page, click here to create a new one.


  • Download the NopStation Facebook Shop Plugin from our store
  • Go to Administration → Configuration → Local plugins
  • Upload the NopStation.FacebookShop zip file using the "Upload plugin or theme" button


  • Go to Administration, reload the 'list of plugins'. Install 'Nop-Station Core' Plugin first and then install the 'Facebook Shop' plugin

    install nopStation core

    install facebook-shop

  • To make the plugins functional, restart the application

    restart application

  • On installation, the plugin gets enabled. You can click on the 'Edit' button to verify the enabled status.

    edit plugin


In the next several steps, we will demonstrate the following how to options

  • Configure Language and Currency
  • Configure product for the Facebook shop data feed
  • Run the scheduled task to generate product feed
  • Add data feed source on Facebook commerce manager account, and
  • Configure catalog & shop on Facebook commerce manager account

Configure Language and Currency

  • Go to Admin → Nop Station → Plugins → Facebook Shop → Configuration
  • Select the Primary language and Primary currency and click on the Save button.


Configure Products for the Facebook Shop Data Feed

  • Single or multiple products can be added to the Facebook data feed in a single go.
  • To add a single product, go to the product edit page from Dashboard → Catalog → Product → Edit menu and find the Facebook Shop section heading.
    • Click on the Include in Facebook checkbox, three more input fields will expand
    • Select Gender and Google Product category from the dropdown, and
    • Click on the Override Brand Name checkbox and input your desired brand name if you prefer to add a different brand name than the one mapped with the product
    • Click on the Save button at the right top of the edit page.

    Adding Single Product to Facebook Shop Feed

  • To add multiple products in the bulk-adding option, go to the manage product grid from Dashboard → Catalog → Product .
    • First, list out the desired products by applying filters like category or manufacturer and select products
    • Click on the down-arrow button right to the Facebook Shop button, Add the Selected items and Remove selected items buttons will appear
    • Select Add the Selected items button, a pop-up window with options to select Gender, Google Product category will appear
    • Select Gender and Google Product category from the dropdown list
    • Click on the Save button at the right top of the edit page, all the selected products will get updated for the Facebook shop data feed

    Adding Single Product to Facebook Shop Feed

  • Useful note:
    • Usually, updating multiple products from the same category or manufacturer is highly useful.
    • The gender and Google Product Category are typically the same from the same product category or same manufacturer.

Run Schedule Task to Generate Product Feed

  • Go to Dashboard → System → Schedule task list page
  • Click on the Run Now button beside Facebook Shop Upload Items schedule task


  • This will generate a feed containing all the products you have updated for the Facebook data feed at the previous step.
  • The generated feed file is stored at the following location:

Add Data Feed Source in the Facebook Commerce Manager

  • Go to Facebook Commerce Manager Dashboard → Catalog → Data sources, this will load the Facebook commerce manager Data sources page.


  • Click on the Add new feed button under Data feeds heading, this will open the Use bulk upload page.

    add new facebook data feed

  • Here, select Scheduled feed under Choose an upload option, then click next, Set up feed page will open.

    add new scheduled facebook data feed

  • Copy & paste the feed URL into the Enter URL field, you can find the feed URL on the configuration page, at Dashboard → Nop Station → Plugins → Facebook Shop → Configuration
  • Click Next and follow the instructions and Complete settings
  • After successfully adding data feed, go to Facebook Commerce Manager Dashboard → Catalog → Items, and all the items that are synced through the data feed will be shown here.

    after sync fb catalgo view

Facebook Shop Public Store View

Facebook shop tab view
Image: Facebook shop tab view
Public Store homepage view
Image: Facebook shop homepage view
Public Store homepage more products view
Image: Facebook shop homepage more products view
Public Store Product Details View
Image: Facebook shop product details page view
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