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Twilio SMS Integration Plugin


  • The plugin requires you to install the Nop-Station Core plugin first.
  • Also, you need a subscription to Twilio SMS API


  • Download the Twillo SMS Plugin from our store
  • Go to Administration → Configuration → Local plugins
  • Upload the NopStation.Twilio zip file using the "Upload plugin or theme" button


  • Go to Administration, reload the 'list of plugins'. Install 'Nop-Station Core' Plugin first and then install 'Nop-Station Twillo SMS'

    install nopStation core


  • To make the plugins functional, restart the application.

    restart application


  • Login to Twilio console and collect Auth Token and Account SID from
  • Go to Admin → NopStation → Plugins → Twilio Sms → Configuration


  • Check the Enable Plugin checkbox to enable the SMS Plugin
  • Enter the Sub-account info into the Subaccounts field. Note that the Sub-accounts in Twilio are just accounts that are "owned" by your account. Using a sub account, you can segment each of your customers' use of Twilio and keep it separate from all the rest. This will allow you to easily manage the activity and resources of each customer independently
  • The account SID and Auth token are the master keys to your account. They can be found on your Account Dashboard in the Twilio Console
  • Here the phone number is the Twilio account phone number. From this number the message will be sent to the customer
  • Check phone number reg-ex to validate phone number using regular expression
  • Check intl. dial code to validate phone number using country code
  • Check Enable log to enable logging


  • The plugin provides a tota of 19 SMS templates which you can use.
  • Go to Admin → NopStation → Plugin → Twilio Sms → SMS templates to view all the available templates.


  • You can enable/disable or modify the templates based on your requirements


  • You can also set this to limited customer roles and limited stores


  • Go to Admin → NopStation → Plugin → Twilio Sms → Queued SMS
  • Here you can see the messages queue that have already been sent to the customer


  • You will get the details of the sent sms by clicking on the View button in Queued SMS page


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