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Auto Cancel Order Plugin


  • The plugin requires you to install the nopStation Core plugin first.


  • Download the nopStation Auto Cancel Order Plugin from our store
  • Go to Administration → Configuration → Local plugins
  • Upload the NopStation.AutoCancelOrder zip file using the 'Upload plugin or theme' button


  • Go to Administration, reload the 'list of plugins'. Install 'Nop-Station Core' plugin first and then install 'Nop-Station Auto Cancel Order'

    install nopStation core

    install auto-cancel-order

  • To make the plugins functional, restart the application

    restart application


  • Go to Admin → Nop Station → Plugins → Auto cancel order → Configuration


  • Enable plugin: Check the box to enable the plugin
  • Send notification to customer: Check the box to enable sending notifications to customers on order cancellation
  • Apply on order statuses: Define order statuses on which an order will be cancelled
  • Apply on shipping statuses: Define shipping statuses on which an order will be cancelled
  • Apply on payment methods: Define payment methods on which an order will be cancelled
  • New payment method can be added as well by clicking on Add new button
  • Payment method: Set the payment method for which an order will be cancelled
  • Offset: Set the number of hours/days/weeks/months after which a order will be cancelled
  • Unit: Hours/days/weeks/months
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