Product versions
  • 4.60
  • ,
  • 4.50
  • ,
  • 4.40
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nopStation's Anywhere Slider plugin is developed to enable and manage customizable slider functionality on nopCommerce-based online stores. This plugin enables quick and powerful image-based slider creation, display, and management from the admin panel after a simple nopCommerce plugin download and installation. By utilizing this plugin, store owners can create beautiful and functional banners that enhance the design and functionality of their online store.
The Anywhere Slider Plugin is intended to display your business at a glance in nopCommerce by adding slider photos. When you show each slide image one by one, your client can instantly relate. You can speed up your business with the plugin.


  • It supports DefaultClean themes. A custom CSS class name can be set to be applied on a carousel if needed
  • A display order which will be effective if there are multiple slider on the same widget-zone.
  • It supports views and styles are open for modification.
  • It will support all the browsers.
  • The sliders should slide automatically.
  • The sliding direction. By default, it is set to left-to-right but can be configured to be right-to-left.
  • The slider icon can be hidden.
  • It will make the home page more attractive.

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