Celebrating 10 Years of nopStation

nopStation's 10 year anniversary

2022 had been a memorable year for team nopStation. We have already shared a 2022 throwback blog that recaps some of the amazing moments we had throughout the year. The year is made even more special as it marks our team’s 10-year anniversary. It's hard to believe that it's already been a decade, and while it has been a truly long time, nopStation has certainly grown and changed greatly in that period. We wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on our history and the journey so far.

nopStation started its journey a decade ago as an eCommerce team of our parent company Brain Station 23 Ltd, a software company headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Brain Station 23 has now grown to be one of the top software companies in the region. At the time, eCommerce in Bangladesh was still in its infancy, and other players in the software industry in our region did not see exponential growth in the sector. Brain Station 23’s Founder & CEO, Mr. Raisul Kabir however, saw things differently as he believed eCommerce development was a market primed for growth in the coming years and an eCommerce wing would be essential to the future of our company. Through this belief and foresight, Brain Station 23 formed its eCommerce wing, nopStation.

BS23 CEO Raisul Kabir with nopCommerce founder

Brain Station 23 CEO Raisul Kabir with nopCommerce Founder & CEO Andrei Mazulnitsyn

Aside from forecasting the importance of eCommerce development, nopStation also saw incredible potential in nopCommerce as a platform. nopCommerce’s open-source nature and pluggable architecture provided incredible versatility and had a growing development community around it. The platform provided great scope for custom eCommerce development and was gaining traction across multiple regions. Seeing this potential, our team chose nopCommerce as the basis of our eCommerce development and started its journey as a nopCommerce solution provider and even hosting nopCommerce day 2018 as a Silver sponsor. Back in 2018, we also arranged the very first nopCommerce Developers meet-up in Dhaka, with the presence of the nopCommerce platform founder and CEO, Andrei Mazulnitsyn.

nopCommerce developer meetup Dhaka 2018

Team nopStation(2018) at nopCommerce Developer meetup 2018 in with nopCommerce Founder & CEO Andrei Mazulnitsyn

The event marked an inspirational moment for team nopStation as spoken of by the person who would eventually become our SBU Head, Mr. Minul Islam Sohel at the time:

“I had a dream that someday Andrei will visit Bangladesh and I will meet him, I knew he would come to Bangladesh one day but never imagined he will come this year. Meeting him was a big motivation.”

quote from SBU head Minul Islam Sohel

nopStation SBU Head Minul Islam Sohel's reaction to meeting nopCommerce Founder & CEO Andrei Mazulnitsyn

In the early years, nopStation was a much smaller team than it is today. Even as far back as 2018, nopStation was a team of just a couple dozen people but, what the nopStation team lacked in numbers, we made up for in dedication and effort. Throughout the early and mid-2010’s nopStation was able to establish itself as a leading eCommerce development brand within our region. What made nopStation unique was its diverse client base. nopStation helped develop solutions for local eCommerce giants such as Othoba.com and Priyoshop, as well as lifestyle brands such as Sailor, Ecstasy, Apex, and Perfume World to establish their businesses. However, what made nopStation unique was its global client base through the reach of the nopCommerce platform. nopStation served clients across 5 different continents and in over 150 countries. This global client base is at the core of nopStation’s early success and growth then and now.

nopStation's notable clients

nopStation's growing global client base

The start of 2020 coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, which hit the entire world hard financially. The software industry had to adapt to isolation and remote work. nopStation, too, had to adapt to these changes while also maintaining the needs of our clients. Under the leadership of our SBU Head, Mr. Minul Islam Sohel, our team showed remarkable perseverance and work ethic during the pandemic. Our team collaborated around the clock to serve our existing clients and grow our client base further. During the pandemic, nopStation’s team expanded despite losing some valuable core team members due to others in our team stepping up and taking on larger leadership roles and challenges. Our team nearly doubled in size in that period, and we added an incredibly talented roster of Developers, UI/UX engineers, QAs, and Business Analysts. Under the leadership of our SBU Head and original core team members, nopStation was able to reorganize itself into an enigmatic unit of professionals dedicated to sustaining our growth in terms of revenue and technical excellence. Today our team comprises 100+ talented individuals, all working towards maintaining that standard.

team nopStation at 10th anniversary celebration

Team nopStation(2022-present) at our 10th-anniversary celebration tour at Cox's Bazar

Speaking of achievements nopStation has achieved a lot throughout our 10 years of existence. Our achievements start first and foremost on the nopCommerce platform. nopStation is the #1 Gold Solution partner on the nopCommerce platform. Being the #1 ranked Solution provider among such an active and diverse development community is something we hold in high regard, and we are constantly trying to retain our position among other great solution providers. Our presence on the nopCommerce platform has grown as well. To just give an example of nopStation’s presence on the nopCommerce platform:

  • nopStation boasts 10,202+ nopCommerce solution partner points.
  • We are 1st ever solution partner to break the 10,000 points milestones
  • 3 nop MVPs on our current roster
  • 63+ nopCommerce certified developers
  • 165+ websites developed using nopCommerce
  • 168+ plugins and themes on the nopCommerce marketplace
  • 7+ Case studies published on the nopCommerce platform
  • Only solution provider with nopCommerce mobile apps for Android and iOS platforms developed using multiple tech stacks: Flutter, Native (Swift & Kotlin), Ionic
  • Official Silver sponsor for nopCommerce day 2018
  • 7+ years as a solution partner and counting

nopStation achievements

nopStation's contributions & achievements on the nopCommerce platform

nopStation has also garnered achievements along the way as well. With our parent company Brain Station 23, we have also added technological partnerships with multiple software giants. These partnerships are not only a showcase of our growth as a global company but our diverse technological proficiency. nopStation’s key technology partnerships include:

nopStation's global technological partnerships

nopStation's notable clients over the years

At the end of these 10 years, nopStation certainly has come a long way. But we wouldn’t be here without the contribution of all our valuable team members, both past and present. We cherish all of our teammates and their continued efforts and sacrifices. We always aim to repay those efforts and create more opportunities for each other. This sense of collaboration and purpose is at the core of team nopStation and the key to our sustained growth. We thank each and every one of our former and current team members wholeheartedly for making all of these great achievements possible.

Looking forward to the next decade, the world is certainly filled with uncertainty amidst a global recession and an ever-changing business landscape transitioning to the 4th industrial revolution. Team nopStation is hopeful that we will adapt to these new paradigms and continue to grow with the nopCommerce platform and establish ourselves to even greater heights.

Here's to the next 10 years!

Team nopStation

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