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  • 4.70
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  • 4.50
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nopStation's Paystack payment plugin is developed to enable Paystack payment support for online stores built using nopCommerce. Paystack is a popular payment platform in the African market including Nigeria and Ghana, with advanced features such as seamless payments, transparent pricing, refunds, and fraud protection making it essential for businesses in Nigeria. With this plugin store owners can easily integrate Paystack support into their online stores and extend their business to African customers.
PayStack is a Nigerian payment platform with significant market share and adoption in the region. Due to its instant payments and transparent pricing, having support for Paystack can be essential for online stores and businesses in Africa, especially Nigeria.
PayStack payment integration plugin for nopCommerce
If you want to integrate your nopCommerce-based online store with Paystack, then nopStation is here with its Paystack Payment plugin for nopCommerce. This nopCommerce payment plugin lets you set up Paystack payments in your store in just a few simple clicks. It enables additional Paystack benefits such as seamless payments, fraud detection, and refund support. With Paystack integration, your online business can extend its reach and support across Nigerian markets and give customers in the region additional convenience.


  • Simple, transparent pricing
  • Seamless payments experience
  • Protect customers with advanced fraud detection
  • Get your money within 24 hours
  • Get paid by customers from anywhere in the world
  • Supports refund methods
  • Multi-store supported
  • Easy installation and configuration
Enable PayStack support to your online store with nopStation’s Paystack Payment plugin for nopCommerce. Don't forget to check out nopStation's other payment integration plugins for nopCommerce as well for any of your business needs.

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