Old price: $99.00
Product versions
  • 4.60
  • ,
  • 4.50
  • ,
  • 4.40
  • ,
  • 4.30
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nopStation's Taxjar Integration plugin for nopCommerce is developed to let you integrate Taxjar ‘s tax calculation service easily on your nopCommerce based online store. This tax plugin lets you easily prepare and submit Taxes without preparing Tax files manually. This plugin lets you sell products across different channels without any extra effort using Taxjar’s scalable, AI driven tax calculation engine, flexible API and reduce your administrative burdens.
TaxJar is a one-stop service for sales tax computations, reporting, and filing. Tax compliance, calculation, and management are essential metrics for any online business or storefront. TaxJar provides a one-service solution for sales tax calculations, reporting, and filing with the ability to see sales tax collected by city and country across platforms.
TaxJar Integration Plugin
If you want to enable TaxJar integration with your nopCommerce-powered online store, then nopStation is here with its TaxJar Integration plugin for nopCommerce. This tax calculation plugin for nopCommerce, lets you easily integrate with TaxJar’s tax calculation service and add features such as real-time tax rates and calculations, accurate tax rates at checkout, category-wise sales tax calculation, displaying delivery capacity at the checkout page, and tax calculation for multiple countries across the world. It lets you efficiently manage tax calculations and rates for your online store and saves you time and resources. An accurate tax system aids in store usability as well, letting you run your business more efficiently.


  • Real-time sales tax rates & calculations.
  • TaxJar API instantly provides accurate sales tax rates at checkout for upgraded plans.
  • Calculate sales tax across the world.
  • Can show remaining delivery capacity on the Checkout page.
  • Calculate sale tax categories wise.
  • Multi-store supported.
Easily add TaxJar tax calculation service support to your store with nopStation’s TaxJar Integration plugin for nopCommerce. Please have a look at nopStation's collection of other Sales and Analytics plugins as well.

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