Product versions
  • 4.60
  • ,
  • 4.50
  • ,
  • 4.40
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nopStation's Announcement plugin is developed to let store owners create, display, manage and customize announcements on their nopCommerce-powered online stores. After a simple nopCommerce plugin download and installation, store owners can easily create and show announcements on their websites for various news, offers or other information through a customizable HTML template and editor. This plugin can help store owners enable effective and attractive announcement content for better usability and reach on nopCommerce-powered online stores.
Announcement plugin provides a feature to store owners for announcing different news and offers in any specific zone of a nopCommerce website. Customers can see these news and offers as a scrollable text on the site. This plugin makes it simple to add a simple announcement to your e-commerce site. With the options, you can quickly change the color of the text. You can even add your own custom HTML regarding news text to personalize it to your heart's content. A separator can also be added at the end of a single news.


  • Easy to set-up
  • Announcements can be shown at any specific zone.
  • Text color of announcements can be added
  • Support news and offer text as an HTML content.
  • Multiple announcement items can be added.
  • Can be hidden from public store via configuration.
  • Views and styles can be changed any time


  • Download plugin zip file.
  • Upload the zip file from admin panel.
  • Install 'NopStation Core' first and then 'Nop-Station Announcement' Plugin.
  • Activate the plugin with 'Edit' option And Configure it.

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