nopCommerce MVP

nopCommerce MVP achivement

The nopCommerce Most Valuable Person (MVP) is nopCommerce’s way of saying thank you to exceptional, independent community leaders who share their passion, technical expertise, and real-world knowledge on nopCommerce with others.

Now those who don’t know what is nopCommerce? For them, it’s an open source eCommerce software solution which is built on & has strong PHP base as well. Also nopCommerce provides fully customizable shopping cart facility & helps store owners with more advantage and facility than any other eCommerce software available.

Nowadays e-commerce business involves buying and selling of goods and services which requires transmission of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily on the Internet. And all these transactions occur either B2B, B2C, C2C or C2B businesses. Thus the platforms for ecommerce needed to be single as well as unified. Accounting, POS, inventory and order management, marketing, merchandising, customer service and financials on a cloud-based platform all should be unified on an ecommerce platform.

nopCommerce as Ecommerce Platform

To serve the ecommerce community different platforms have been invented in the past couple of years. And among these platforms nopCommerce is the only prominent ecommerce platform which helps the community for free. The platform is open source & anyone can download it & then can work with the platform customarily with their own requirements. nopCommerce help people using their platform with their full proof documentation & community forum. Additionally, nopCommerce got premium support as well. Any question whether big or small, asked in the community forum got answered as soon as possible. The MVPs & the certified developers are the ones who does answer all the questions in the community forum. Thus people get the expert solution all the time.

Check out this year’s nopCommerce Days 2016 story on NopCommerce Days 2016 At Netherlands

The Process of Becoming nopMVP

The MVPs are the people who got selected by the nopCommerce team through their yearly performance & presence in the community forum. Let me give you one of our MVP’s statement & story of how he became nop MVP in 2016.

nopStation's Minul Islam Sohel is a nopCommerce MVP

“Becoming nopcommerce MVP is undoubtedly prestigious. But for that, you really need to have the mentality for helping people out. If you want to help people with any sort of problem & want to help people in nopcommerce forum, then you are on the track for becoming MVP. You can help people out through nopCommerce forum also can help people outside the forum through blogs and other media. 
If you are very serious about becoming an MVP then you need to set a goal to help people in nopcommerce community forum first. For that, when you have free time, you have to share your helpful posts & have to answer the questions that will help people with their problem in the community forum. In this way you can also learn the whole infrastructure of nopcommerce.
For awarding you with a MVP tag, I think admin see your points and your help posts in the community. You can thus increase you points by giving post and replying comments on another person's post.
You can also upload free plugin to nopcommerce forum to gain some points.

But one thing you must remember, solving people’s problems, might not get you the MVP tag as quality & quantity of your responses will be judged as well. But one thing for sure you will learn a lot from helping others.”

In nopStation we have two nop MVPs.

Our 1st MVP, Md. Minul Islam Sohel
Started his career as a Software Engineer at BrainStation-23. He has skills in .NET technologies, developed multiple e-commerce web applications and migrated other platforms into nopCommerce. He is a big nopCommerce fan and he loves to keep himself updated with the latest technologies.

Our youngest MVP, Anik Saha
Started his career as Mobile Application Developer in 2013. Since then he has been working on different technologies. Now he is working on the Mvc5 application and have developed multiple eCommerce web application and API using Mvc5, Wep Api 2 and nopCommerce. He is also a big fan of nopCommerce and a true enthusiast to learn new technologies. Currently he is working in BrainStation-23 and working with nopCommerce Mobile and Web Team.

nopCommerce MVPs in nopStation

nopStation is a sister concern of BrainStation-23 and provides all sort of ecommerce solutions. Though nopStation is specialised in nopCommerce but we have experience working with other big ecommerce platforms as well.

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