Backpacking for nopCommerce days 2k16 | NopStation

nopStation is the #1 nopCommerce Gold solution partner

"We are thrilled to be present at the second annual conference of the nopCommerce community ‘ nopCommerce Days’16 ’. Last year nopCommerce organized their first summit for the community in Amsterdam on 31st of October. The event was entitled as ‘Nop Dev Days’ and was focused on to developers. This year they are focusing not only on the developers as well as on store-owners, agencies, users and partners. Trying to bring the whole community into nop ecosystem. This initiative will surely make strong bond within nopCommerce community."



BS23 CEO Raisul Kabir

About our Speaker

This year meet up will take place again in Amsterdam on 20th and 21st of October. On behalf of nopStation our CEO, Raisul Kabir will be there as a speaker in the conference. He will share his experience with nopCommerce within last few years. How he get to know nopCommerce & how prospecting he finds the platform all will be covered by his speech.

Our CEO, Mr. Raisul Kabir being an EEE graduate from BUET started his own IT Company Brain Station 23 Ltd. in 2006 and now in 2016 not only the company is a pride for the nation but also have achieved good global responses. Brain Station 23 Ltd. is now a name which have spread out to Netherlands, Denmark, Switzerland, Canada, UK and US. Hopefully our branch nopStation will be a global tag shortly!

Setup a Meeting

We are very eager to help you with all our heart. Therefore, please mention your preferable time when we can grab a cup of coffee and discuss on the solution you need. Also you can leave your contacts with our 'contact us' page & we'll be responding as quickly as possible. 


Biponee & rise of nopStation

"Biponee" is Bangladesh's number one ecommerce site and nopStation is proud to have credit for creating such nopCommerce Site in Bangladesh. Our CEO in his speech will speak about "Biponee" & its successful journey in the market. The uniqueness along with details will be revealed. Also he will share nopStation's journey till now.

Nop day is our day

We believe, nopCommerce day is our day as we have bigger plans & strong wills to make a difference with nopCommerce.
For the day especially we are up with-

website accouncementtheme announcement

First work with nopCommerce :

We first internationally went after nopCommerce with “Procomarketing”. 2010 August was the time we took the project in. It’s a project we took for an American Store owner whose 8 shops are running with our solutions. After ‘procomarketing’ we got involved with several other projects. Then with Biponee's success  we became more interested in nopCommerce. From 2010 till now we’ve grown as a team of 12 devoted minds.

Journey so far:

nopCommerce related work from our end was soon needed an individual entity. Thus nopStation started it's journey. Our first release of nopStation web page came into light in 2014. The early story is an interesting one. One of our PM and developer Razib Mahmud was working on nopRoot theme in his free time. Then with the help of 3 interns he completed the theme. After the theme released within weeks it crossed 1000 downloads. The community responses were also incredible. Being inspired from the success of nopRoot we later released 'shopper' theme. As of 26th July 'noproot' had been downloaded 15755 times and 'e-shopper' 18808 times. So, to start business out of nopCommerce was mandatory. After doing much research we found that there are demand of native nopCommerce app. So, we planned to develop and sell nopCommerce. Now we are selling apps for android, iOS and windows.

After 5 years:

We always encourage our developer to contribute in nopCommerce community. So that we can add value to the community. Also our developers will learn more and will be apt in Problem solving. By giving our best for the community we want to prove ourselves able for any ground breaking projects ahead. After 5 years we now have 2 nopMVP and 3 nopCertified developers in our team. They are not only skilled but gives their best for staying updated and upgraded. All these people in our team want to bring a difference in modern marketing through nopCommerce based products. Within these years we’ve come up with successful apps in both iOS and android platforms. We have developed outstanding themes and have developed many distinct plugins.

nopCommerce market currently:

nopCommerce markets have now grown to its full potential. In 2008 nopCommerce team started their journey for developing ASP.NET e-commerce solutions. They knew that the e-market scenario are not going to be the same again. With highly flexible model, rich features, and logical structure nopCommerce become popular shortly. Now in 2016 it powers more than 25.000 live sites all over the world.

After realizing ecommerce platforms' future nopCommerce took an initiative in 2008. Which nopStation understood right after they get to know about nopCommerce. The Journey had begun since 2010 and still going strong with the passage of time.

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