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  • 4.70
  • ,
  • 4.50
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DBBL is Bangladesh’s first bank to introduce e-payment functionalities. With a large user base and extensive branches across Bangladesh, DBBL payment support is crucial for online stores and businesses across Bangladesh.
DBBL is the first bank in Bangladesh to introduce e-payment gateway. This gives a person the liberty to purchase online, pay utility bills etc. Most importantly, the Person does not need to be a DBBL account holder. If you want to integrate DBBL payment gateway in your nopCommerce store, this is the plugin what you need.
DBBL payment gateway integration plugin for nopCommerce
If you want to add DBBL payment support to your nopCommerce-powered online store, then nopStation is here with its DBBL Payment plugin for nopCommerce. This payment plugin enables DBBL payments in just a few simple clicks. This plugin allows for additional DBBL features such as seamless payments without a bank account, Customer PIN, and 3D secure payment verified by Visa and Mastercard. DBBL payments can help your online store add conveniences customers across Bangladesh.


  • Seamless and secure payment experience by connecting you to your bank, without any registration needed
  • Customers get regular PIN for e-commerce transactions
  • 3D secure facilities (Verified by Visa) and MasterCard (Secure Code) which protect the merchants from fraud transaction loss
  • Multi-store supported
  • Easy installation and configuration
Enhance payment capabilities for your online business with nopStation's DBBL Payment Gateway Plugin. Please take a look at one of nopStation's other class-leading payment gateway plugins for Bangladesh, bKash Payment with Gateway as well.

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