Old price: $39.00
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  • 4.70
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  • 4.50
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nopStation’s Amazon Personalize plugin for nopCommerce provides Amazon Personalize integration for nopCommerce-powered online stores. Amazon’s Personalize is a machine learning service that provides Amazon's own machine learning pipelines and framework for businesses of all sizes to use with their own data and generate accurate real-time predictions. With this plugin, store owners can use their data to provide predictions for product uses cases such as most viewed, best sellers, recommended for you, frequently bought together, etc.
Amazon's Amazon Personalize is a machine learning service that uses Amazon's own machine learning technology to provide personalized recommendations for online businesses from their data. Amazon's Personalize service is suitable for businesses of all sizes and scopes as it takes away the cost of developing, training, and managing a machine learning infrastructure, providing a more cost-effective solution for online store businesses and eCommerce
Amazon Personalize Integration plugin for nopCommerce
If you want to integrate your online business with Amazon Personalize easily, then nopStation is here with its Amazon Personalize Integration Plugin. This sales and analytics plugin for nopCommerce was developed to simplify using Amazon's Personalize machine learning service on your nopCommerce-based online store or eCommerce business. This plugin makes generating recommendations from Amazon Personalize using your store data for various business needs much simpler. In this plugin, nopStation has integrated five common eCommerce use cases: Most viewed, Best sellers, frequently bought together, Customers who viewed X also viewed, and Recommended for you. These use cases make integrating and configuring Amazon Personalize to get real-time recommendations on your nopCommerce-powered store more convenient and make the shopping experience on your storefront more personalized.


  • “Recommended for you”, “Most viewed” and “Best sellers” recommendations will be displayed on the Homepage
  • "Customers who viewed this also viewed” and “Frequently bought together” recommendations will be displayed on the Product details page
  • Allows to stop/start amazon recommender from the admin panel
  • Get the status of a recommender from the Admin panel
  • Recommendation can be enabled/disabled from the Admin panel
  • Supports multi-stores
  • Easy to installation and configuration
So, use Amazon Personalize services for your online store with nopStation's Amazon Personalize plugin. Don't forget to checkout one of nopStation's other class-leading plugins for Amazon services, Amazon S3 and CDN Integration plugin for any of your business needs as well.

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